Sunday, August 9, 2009


Well, America, we have seen the hate at work in August.

It seems the elected officials who aim to strip you of your liberties absolutely hate to be confronted. Some of them have enlisted the support of thugs who claim membership in the Service Employees International Union who hate opponents of the Obama administration and Democrats in the congress. The intelligentsia who write for the former mainstream press hate everything that freedom-lovers have to say and impugn their honesty without refuting their arguments.

What's not so easy to find is hate coming from the opponents of Obama's plans to nationalize health care, impose ruinous taxes on business to "save the environment," mad expansion of the money supply, cooking the employment books to hide the total un- and underemployment rate of more than 16%, stealing General Motors and Chrysler from their creditors, and who-knows-what kind of negotiations with North Korea to get the release of Al Gore's reporters.

While we have seen the public roughed up at Town Hall meetings about "health care reform," the victims are all conservatives.

I think it would be a good idea for Americans to take the president up on his request for emails to about disinformation on the health care proposal. We can report the White House site, Speaker Pelosi's site, and many others that hide the truth of the actual House bill. We can also report the many YouTube videos of the president claiming that you will be able to keep your plan if you like it. Perhaps if everyone who opposes the House plan sends the White House an email, the inbox will overflow, and the Obama gang will move on to some other scam. Maybe you can get the message through to them that after so many lies, nothing they say rings true.

Maybe we can even shame one or two of them into giving up on this charlatan. How can anyone work for the Federal Government in good conscience, while it is in the hands of these cheats and liars?

Anyway, I hate to think our government is working so hard to surrender our world leadership, ruin our economy, and reward the likes of Kim Il Sung and Hugo Chavez. But, facts are facts. Obama has done as much in six months to ruin the United States as Jimmy Carter did in four years. We have a long way to go with this bum.

1 comment:

  1. Trailer Trash Bill Warner Has Enlisted in the White House Internet Snitch Brigade

    Ever since the White House announced the creation of its Internet Snitch Brigade (, Americans were waiting for Insane P.I. Bill Warner to join it. And today it finally happened! In "ASSASSINATE BARACK OBAMA PLOTS INCREASE TO 10 RACIST RIGHT WING BLOGGERS FUEL WHITE SUPREMISTS (sic.) SECRET SERVICE SHUT EM DOWN by Bill Warner investigator," Warner writes:

    "The US Secret Service so needs to investigate "Muslims Against Sharia by Khalim Massoud and Pamela Geller for her Anti-American racist activities on her website, which she operates out of her Manhattan NY apartment, and her incitement to hate by others and the possible murder of President Barack Obama.

    Contact and provide information for websites that promote hate and or attacks against the President of the United States Barack Obama.U.S.
    Secret Service
    New York City Office
    335 Adams Street
    32nd Floor
    Brooklyn, NY 11201
    Telephone: (718) 840-1000"

    After pretending to file various lawsuits and complaints with the FBI, USSS, County Court, etc., Insane P.I. Bill Warner decided to employ another tactic. He wants the Internet Snitch Brigade to do his dirty work, to defame people who dare to disagree with Warner's demented rants. Could this trailer trash be more of a Nazi?

    We offer our sincere apologies to trailer trash for comparing them with Bill Warner.
