Saturday, September 12, 2009


When God created man, He gave us free will. What do you suppose He had in mind? Is our free will a handy tool to chose between cloth or leather? Maybe it's for choosing between a Ford and a Chevrolet.

You know perfectly well that's not what our "freedom to choose" is all about. It's about deciding whether to follow God's will, or our own. God's will is easy to discern. He came to us as a man and told us to love Him before all other things, and to love one another.

So you combine the freedom God gave us with his very simple instruction manual, and what do you get? A president who lies prodigiously about his motives and mine. A dead Senator who spent his life in office trying to tax you to pay for his pet project, government control of medicine. A homosexual representative who bends the law and regulators to support his notion that everyone should buy a house and not have to pay for it. A sanctimonious old Senator that used to be a KKK member and now lectures us on racism.

And occasionally, you get a follower of Jesus Christ who has the gall to call Communism an evil empire, or a governor who can see the evil of totalitarian government from her front porch. You even get a representative from South Carolina who has the effrontery to say to the Prevaricator-in-Chief, "You lie."

There is plenty of evil in the land. Murderers, rapists, and thieves abound. But the grossest evil comes from those who steal in the name of good. And the chief acolyte of these evil men and women lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. He is bereft of shame, and he intends to reshape our nation in the perverted image of his tutors. What he intends is the opposite of good; it is evil. He built his career on fraud and deception, from his ghost-written autobiographies to his campaign for state office. He arranged for support in the state legislature to give him recognition for work he didn't do. His supporters ruined his opponents, to clear the way for his election. He slandered his Republican opponent in the presidential election, and promised his supporters the very socialist nostrums he claims to oppose today.

He has a great many allies. They share his goal of domination over the details of your life. They want to decide what you drive, what you eat, what kind of light bulbs you use, who your neighbors are, and whether you get medical treatment. They are evil, too.

It is evil to take what you earned to distribute it to others who haven't earned it. It's not charity, it's theft. It's not justice to let down our borders to anyone who wants to live here. It's social suicide. It's not fairness to make friends with the tyrants who rule by force and turn your back on the leaders of free nations; it's a pact with the devil.

President Obama stands for evil in our world. We have a moral obligation to expose and to oppose him and his allies.

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