Monday, September 7, 2009

Bozo the Clown

You remember him. He had a big red nose and a hand held horn, that squawked when he squeezed its bulb.

He's back, and he lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

He thinks he rules the roost, and that his "gift" of oratory will bend the will of Americans to his inane world view. He thinks the dolts he appoints to work for him can serve as long as he wants without Senate approval. He thinks the communist, eugenic, mad scientists he relies on for advice represent the future of the country.

Bozobama thinks you will sit still while he takes over the banks, the auto industry, energy, health care, and the public airways. He thinks you will be persuaded by his omnipresence in the print and broadcast media to give up your capitalist roots and let his progressive (fascist) pals control your daily lives.

Why shouldn't old Bozo feel this way? After all, his pals in Congress passed a spending bill without reading it, so he could wait until he returned from vacation to sign it. And what a bill! Seven hundred and forty-eight billion dollars of pork-barrel money from Chinese lenders to guarantee reelection of every Democrat in Congress. Tons of fun for his ACORN organizing friends, lots of dough for the Service Employees International Union, loans to George Soros to invest in offshore Brazilian oil production. Every supporter paid off in one stroke of the pen!

Then on to climate change, but there was a little speed bump. I don't know if you've ever heard of Carol Browner, but she posed for True Believer magazine for the special The American Way of Life Caused the Polar Bears to Drown issue. Anybody who remembers the unilateral nuclear disarmament gang from the Cold War, you know - before Reagan showed the Russians what real men do to central planners, would know how much sense it makes to destroy the American economy to reduce carbon emissions when China and India are just spooling up to see how much energy two billion people can consume. Not that there is any demonstrated relationship between carbon emissions and anything at all except quality of life... Anyway, Senate Democrats may have been amused by the sight of House members committing political hara kiri, but they seemed to be unwilling to go along with the joke for now.

Next came the nationalization of the two worst car companies in the Western Hemisphere and their transfer - not to the lenders who last propped them up - to the unions that old Pinnochiobama relied on to deliver the rust belt in the 2008 election. Or was it the killing off of prosecutions against the Black Panthers and Governor Richardson. Just think, the Richardson that sold out Hillary Clinton to support Obarry at the key time suddenly isn't being investigated for corruption any more. Wow!

Of course, there are lots of clown bits involving the smartest Treasury Secretary in the World, Michelle Obama's personal BFF who just happens to own a place in Martha's Vineyard and magically got her a three hundred grand hospital job, and so on.

If this had been a Republican administration, the formerly popular news magazines would have run covers about "The Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight," or "Oops, he did it again." But the folks who love The Anointed One can see no flaw in his performance, much less his sorry-ass character. And those who oppose Our Dear Leader are woefully short of humor. They take this personal freedom business so seriously!

Well, then we get to the brilliant health care debacle, yet to be concluded. Bozo thought that Henry Waxman and Queen Nancy I were the ideal drafters of a bill to nationalize one sixth of the American economy. Henry obviously has never heard of cosmetic surgery, and the Queen of Botox has obviously never heard of personal responsibility. What better combination to Alinsky the booboisie? Whoops! Between the Emanuel brothers, it turns out we have a eugenic euthanasia freak and a power hungry autocrat really running the show, and some fool of a blogger and a handful of television talkers won't shut up about it. How embarrassing that the Congressional nobility had to return to the hinterlands to be abused by their constituents about this simple affair. And so much misrepresentation! Imagine, next these people will want representative government!

Bozo to the rescue! While not sharing the pain of the millions of Americans who lost their jobs after the Stimulus Bill passed by vacationing on Martha's Vineyard, Bozo made a few appearances before select union member and college student crowds to let us know how wrong we are to suspect his motives. On returning to Washington, before adjourning to Camp David, he scheduled a prime time speech (again!) to let us know what he thinks. Boy, I really care, don't you?

Of course, we have to pass a bill in memory of that cheating, manslaughtering, drunken philanderer boy wonder son of a treasonous bootlegger-funded nobleman from the People's Republic of Massachusetts. It's the RIGHT THING TO DO. Forget about freedom, about earning your way, or about the future health and welfare of the rest of the world that depends on American innovation in medicine, we NEED A BILL, NOW!

Hey, Bozo. Show's over. Go back to Chicago, or Kansas, or Hawaii, or Jakarta, or even Nairobi. Just go. We don't need a clown in the White House. We need a president. We need someone who knows that the Constitution stands for, and who treasures the qualities that made America the beacon of hope for the world. We need someone who trusts individuals to act in their self-interest, and the market to regulate the economy. We need a loyal American who is willing to let us lead the world in productivity and to defend freedom from its adversaries. We need a real Judaeo-Christian leader who tells the followers of false gods to assimilate or leave. We need a leader who tells foreign invaders to go home and try to re-enter legally. Most of all, we don't need you.

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